Výstava fotografií DOROTY SITNIK, Wroclav, Poľsko.

Born in Wroclaw, Poland in 1981.
In 2007 she graduated from the University of Zielona Góra with an MA Degree in Art, specializing in photography. She graduated from the WSF AFA Academy of Photography in Wroclaw-diploma 2004. She is a member of the Association of Polish Art Photographers.
She works with a diverse range of media including photography, drawing and graphic design. Currently she specializes in staging photography and portrait.

V roku 2007 absolvovala univerzitu v Zielona Góra, dosiahla Magisterský titul v odbore umenia so zameraním na fotografiu. V roku 2004 vyštudovala WSF Akadémiu fotografie vo Vroclavi. Je členom Asociácie poľských umeleckých fotografov. Pracuje s rozmanitou škálou médií, vrátane fotografie, kresby a grafického dizajnu. V súčasnosti sa špecializuje na inscenovanú fotografiu a portrét.

More important Exhibitions:
2009 - "Borders of identity", Gallery OBOK ZPAF, Warsaw, Poland
2009 - "Borders of identity", Za Szafa Gallery, Wroclaw, Poland
2008 - „Autoreferencja", Parter Gallery, Klodzko, Poland
2007 - "Bridge of art", Youngs Gallery & INFO Praga, Warsaw, Poland
2007 - "Exhibition of Polish Art Photography", Zary, Poland
2007 - "Free woman, independent woman", Fabryka Trzciny Art Center, Warsaw, Poland
2007 - "Wiesbadener fototage", Gallery Lichtbild, Wiesbaden, Germany
2006 - "Season 2006", Vojtecha Sedlacka Gallery, Nove Mesto nad Metuji, Czech Republic
2004 - "Diploma 2004", Gallery Design, Wroclaw, Poland
2003 - "4 X P.F.K Strong Group", Gallery Domek Romanski, Wroclaw, Poland

More important awards:
2007 - First Prize for the most promising young artist at festival "Bridge of Art", Warsaw, Poland
2007 - Third Prize in the first edition of photographic contest "Free woman, independent woman", Warsaw, Poland
2006 - Honorable mention in the first edition of photographic contest "World in palms", Warsaw, Poland

Dnes sa v Trafačke deje toto:

Celoročná ponuka fotokurzov
Uto 02.01.2018 09:00 -
Pon 31.12.2040 20:00
9,5€ / hod. / kurz

Pondelok - 10:00- 22:30
Utorok - 10:00- 22:30
Streda - 10:00- 22:30
Štvrtok - 10:00- 22:30
Piatok - 10:00- 24:00
Sobota - 13.00- 24:00
Nedeľa- 13.00- 23:00

Otváracie hodiny sa môžu meniť nariadením vlády SR.